沈逸兴紫砂茶壶精选 Shen Yi Xing Terracotta Tea Pot Collection
Each pot comes with a gift box and artist certificate.

Shen Yi Xing, Terracotta Assistant Craft Artist, has been under the teaching and guidance of many well known teachers, providing him a very strong foundation in teapot making. He takes on the lineage of He Dao Hong, a Terracotta Master and produces a number of exquisite terracotta teapots.
About the Teacher
He Daohong was born in 1943 in Shushan, Yixing. He started his career as a male Yixing ware artist in 1958 when he entered Yixing Zisha ware craft factory of Jiangsu province (江苏宜兴紫砂工艺厂) where he understudied two Yixing ware masters, Wang Yinchun 王寅春 (1897-1977), from whom he learned making square vessel (fangqi 方器), round vessel (yuanqi 圆器), and fluted/lobed vessel (jinwenqi 筋纹器), and Pei Shimin 裴石民 (2892-1976), thanks to this guidance he built a solid foundation of making flower vessel (huaqi 花器) and mimicking vegetables and fruits. Later in 1976, he went to Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University, studying ceramics.
Because of these early experiences, he has not only become a mature Yixing ware artist who is skilled at multiple genres of Yixing ware and well-versed on the material and theoretical aspects of Yixing ware, but also gradually worked out his own distinctive ‘He style’, which is described as ‘taking the shape while grasping the spirit, possessing a richness and austerity (取形摄神,浑厚古朴).
In his over thirty years’ career of being a Yixing ware artist, he has created over 100 pieces of art pieces, ranging from highly practical vessels for daily use to art display pieces. Such diversity is also reflected in his use of decorative techniques, including relief carving, inlaid silver thread and more. While He is good at a variety of vessel types, the most renowned ones are his plain vessels (guangsuqi 光素器) and fluted/lobed vessels (jinwenqi 筋纹器). The ones with the theme of the ‘Three Friends of Winter’ (i.e. Pine tree, Bamboo, Plum tree) are representative of He’s works. When he visited Japan in 1985, He’s works were especially appreciated by the locals.

何道洪 :1943年生于江苏宜兴,中国陶瓷艺术大师,中国工艺美术学会会员,宜兴紫砂文化艺术研究专委会常务委员。 1958年进紫砂工艺厂,师从王寅春、裴石民学艺,1976年进中央工艺美院深造。二十世纪八十年代以来,多件作品被故宫博物馆、中南海紫光阁、香港茶具文物馆、中央工艺美院收藏或选作国家礼品。2000年作品《壁钰壶》获首届中国工艺美术大师精品博览会金奖,2001年作品《神竹壶》获轻工联合会举办的第三届中国工艺美术大师精品博览会金奖,多篇论文发表在《江苏陶瓷》等杂志,2001年出版个人专著《珍壶藻鉴》。 醇厚雄劲、工艺精湛是何道洪在传统基础上提炼、形成了他个人的何氏风格。
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